Do you remember times in your life when you eagerly wished to be chosen for something? In school, you might have wanted to be picked for a sports team, a play, or just to be on the right side of the dodgeball game. As an adult, maybe you wanted to be picked for a job, to win a prize or some other exciting thing. And probably, there were others clamoring… Continue Reading
SOAP Devotion: 1 Corinthians 3
What kind of materials are we using as we build on the foundations laid in people’s lives? What kind of foundation have we laid in our children’s lives? Every word, every action is like a brick, a 2 x 4, a nail…all building and shaping who our children become. I know I’m only “supposed” to use one verse, but these two need to go together, so I’m cheating a little… Continue Reading
SOAP Devotion: Romans 3
Ever have one of those mornings (or whenever you have your quiet devotional time) where you just can’t seem to focus on what you’re reading? As I asked the Lord what to read today, one verse kept running through my head…I couldn’t remember where it was exactly, but knew it was in Romans. I thought Romans 8, and read that…but that wasn’t it. So I looked up the verse and… Continue Reading
SOAP Devotion: Proverbs 12
Do you ever get angry? I mean really, explosively angry? It is such an out-of-control feeling! And far too often, others get hurt because we are out of control. This morning, I went back to bed after seeing my honey off to work…the little girl I babysit wasn’t coming until 9:00, it was rainy and dreary and just perfect for sleeping in. I should have stayed up and had my devotion… Continue Reading
SOAP Devotion: Esther 1
When God said read the first chapter of Esther, I thought I knew where He was going. I know the story of Queen Esther and how she saved her people by entreating the king. But that’s not the queen God was speaking to me about today at all. There’s another queen in that story…Queen Vashti. And she wasn’t nearly as noble as Esther… Today’s Reading is Esther 1 Scripture: because… Continue Reading
SOAP Devotion: Psalm 52
Gossip? Really? That is what You want to talk to me about this morning? Surely I’m getting a mixed- up signal here…that can’t be what You want to speak to me about…can it? So, this time it really was Psalm 52 I was supposed to read. I tried to find a way around it…as I didn’t like this one either. Conviction has a way of making you feel uncomfortable when… Continue Reading