Have you ever packed up and moved across the country? Was it the best thing you’ve ever done or a total nightmare? If you have kids, how did they adjust to leaving their family and friends nearby? If you had to do it all over again, what would you do differently? We’ve made the decision to move to Arizona next year. Yes, that’s right…this summer-hating, sun-avoiding, lover of ice… Continue Reading
It’s That Time of Year Again
Anyone who knows me knows how much I hate, loathe, detest and despise DST. I’ve had some friends tell me they missed my annual spring rant and rave on Facebook, since I gave that up some time ago. They all think it’s funny. Today, we are not amused. In fact, we are downright pissy. And tired. And counting down to November 3, the Glorious Return of my beloved Standard Time…in… Continue Reading
Spring Brings Out the Zombie in Me
Not one for extreme temperatures, I’ve always preferred the milder climes of Spring and Fall. In fact, it’s always been difficult for me to choose one over the other, they both have had their attractive qualities. After a long, gloomy winter, the flowers and foliage of Spring are a welcome sight. And, after a long, scorching Summer, the crisp air of Autumn is definitely a relief. No longer am I indecisive,… Continue Reading
DST 2012…It’s All in My Head? Yep, Apparently
My hatred of Dumb Stupid Time is rooteddeeply in my brain I’m a little slow in posting my annual I-Hate-Dumb-Stupid-Time-and-Mitch-Daniels blog post. You can thank Dumb Stupid Time for that. I could barely function yesterday since we all, like well-programmed robots, dutifully moved our clocks forward one hour in an inane effort to “save daylight.” Well, I didn’t. I haven’t changed a clock since we were forced to start doing… Continue Reading
Daylight Slaving Time: It’s All About the Money
It’s that time of year again…time for my semi-annual Rant and Rave about DST, or as I so affectionately call it, Dumb Stupid Time. This year, I decided to do a little research on the origins and effects of this asinine practice. I learned a few things and was surprised by some others. Read on, then share your opinion on DST by leaving a comment below. Growing up in Indiana,… Continue Reading