Those of you who know me fairly well probably know about my frustration with our city’s Chamber of Commerce. They are playing music over a loudspeaker from 8 am to 5 pm EVERY DAY. The problem here is that I am 2 1/2 blocks from the middle of downtown. And maybe half a block away is a speaker that is pointed right at my house. I hear this music in… Continue Reading
Coffee With the Enemy
We all have people in our lives who rub us the wrong way. Some have even gone as far as to plunge a long, sharp knife deep into our back. So what do you do when God says “be a blessing to your enemy”? You have a choice to obey – or not – just like with anything else. But when God is asking you to step out and be… Continue Reading
Watch Out…Extremists are Attacking Women!
Sometimes I just can’t believe what is going on in this country. Observing political “discourse” is like hanging out at an elementary school playground…or a junior high school…and watching the superb socialization and interaction that goes on there. I recently signed a petition to support not using some dangerous chemical on our food crops. Today, I checked my email and found an email from CREDO, the organization behind the petition,… Continue Reading
What Did You Just Ask Me?
Haven’t blogged for a while…the days have been quite ordinary lately. Then one day you get up and everything’s like the day before and the day before that and the day before the day before that…until… In all fairness, my stepson did mention earlier today that he wanted to talk to his father and I after dad got home from work, so I knew something was coming. I really… Continue Reading