Today’s Reading is Psalm 52
Scripture: Your tongue, as sharp as a razor, plots destruction and works deception. Psalm 52:2
Observation: The tongue, when left to run amok, cuts and destroys…deception is its favored medium.
Mrs. Potiphar devised a malicious lie fueled by anger, jealousy, bitterness, and resentment because of rejection. She didn’t get what she wanted so she made up a lie, spreading it throughout her household servants (gossip) so her lie could be confirmed, even though none were there when it happened, they only had gossip to rely on. Because of this chain of events Mrs. Potiphar set out to use the most powerful and damaging weapon of all–the tongue–to destroy Joseph’s unblemished reputation and character, especially to Potiphar. As expected, Potiphar became outraged, so much so that he had Joseph, his personal and trusted attendant, thrown in prison.
Joseph’s spotless reputation and character was stolen by gossip (the gossip of Mrs. Potiphar and her servants). Now, not only were they (Mrs. Potiphar and the other servants) gossips but they were thieves as well. Joseph had some decisions to make, was he going to be faithful and obedient to God or was he going to become angry and vindictive doing the very thing that had been done to him. Joseph chose obedience in honoring God and, because of that, God’s favor went with Joseph and stayed upon him; even in prison, gaining the favor of the prison warden. (Gen 39:21-23)
When we gossip, or even participate in gossip, we are actively and voluntarily engaging in a destructive purpose, character assassination and theft. Basically, gossip is a destructive need for personal gratification, making one’s self feel good about one’s self by destroying the character and reputation of another.
You see “misery loves company.” Some people cannot stand the thought of someone else succeeding, whether spiritually, physically, or financially; so they search for reasons to accuse and discredit the person, ministry, business, etc. to make themselves feel better about who they are.
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HomesteadHippy says
ummmm….OUCH!!! thanks for the reminder!!!