We don’t do Christmas. And no, we’re not atheists. We took a serious look at the traditions in our Christian faith and didn’t like where some of them started. Particularly Christmas and Easter, which have roots in paganism. I’m not going to go into all that in this post, but if you’re curious you can read the post I wrote a while back titled A Clear Picture of Christmas. We also don’t “do”… Continue Reading
Trading Traditions – Why We Haven’t Replaced Christmas With Hanukkah
Our family made the decision a couple years ago to stop celebrating Christmas. Not because we don’t believe in Jesus anymore, but because we have learned that the holiday is a conglomeration of various pagan practices. Because the Savior’s birth did not occur on December 25, or any time in December for that matter. Because the fact that the world fully embraces it in all of its commercialized indulgence is, to… Continue Reading