It’s that time of year again! Do you have your planner ready? Do you buy one already made or do you design your own? Last year, I learned that I can make my own planner very inexpensively. AND I could make it however I wanted. Determined to not end up with a bunch of pages unused because they just don’t suit my record-keeping style, I designed my own and took… Continue Reading
We Do It Our Way: Embracing Our Homeschool Style
Are you struggling in your homeschool? Maybe you’re trying to put the square peg in the round hole… I have finally come to grips with the fact that we are, indeed, unschoolers. However, I have a passion for forms. I love charts, planning pages and the like, but truth be told, I end up either using them for a while then fizzling out or not using them at all. I… Continue Reading
Spring Brings Renewal…Under My Kitchen Sink
Do you have one (or more) of those areas in your home that most of the time goes unnoticed, even though you use it frequently? Do you ever think, every now and then, “I ought to do something about that”…and then, don’t? I must confess to having too many of those areas, but one such disaster zone got a makeover this week…yep, Spring makes me want to fix things up…. Continue Reading