Today is June 15, so we are half way through the month that marks the halfway point of the year. That means that six months of 2013 are gone. History. What? How did that happen? Where have I been? Well, I’ve become a grandma, a mother-in-law, drastically downsized, and celebrated my youngest stepson’s graduation. All within four months. Doesn’t seem like that much to look at what I just typed… Continue Reading
Moving and Downsizing WooHoo!!
After five and a half years in the house we are in as of the time of this post, we are saying goodbye to Gigantic, Old, Dusty House and hello to Teeny, Tiny, Considerably Less Old and Hopefully Less Dusty House. I can hardly believe that a week from tomorrow is Moving Day! I haven’t started packing yet, and I’m not even remotely stressed. Some of you just may have… Continue Reading
Another New Year, What’s New?
It’s hard to believe yet another year has flown by! My baby will be FIVE next month, my firstborn will be THIRTEEN…my head is spinning. There’s been many changes in the last year or so, mostly in the spiritual and emotional areas for me. Good ones, thankfully! As God continues to bring healing and restoration in my “inner man”, my housekeeping improves. I realized this week that it actually bothers… Continue Reading
S.O.S. Challenge Update
It’s finally September! I so long for the shorter days, the crispness in the air and the lovely scent of autumn on the wind. The urge to bake is revving up again, and I dream of breads and anything pumpkiny emerging from my oven once more. Sigh… It’s also the beginning of my Sick Of Stuff decluttering challenge that I’ve recently imposed upon myself. Are you curious about how I’m… Continue Reading
The S.O.S. Challenge
S.O.S. can mean several different things…Save Our Schools, HELP!!!, Switched On Schoolhouse. Anything with an S-O-S configuration, really. Right now, for me, it is an acronym for Sick Of Stuff. It’s time to get serious about Stuff around here. As I’ve gotten older, wiser, and more free of debilitating emotional issues, I have found that I’m somehow a better housekeeper. Do not read I’m A Perfect Housekeeper and My Home… Continue Reading
Spring Brings Renewal…Under My Kitchen Sink
Do you have one (or more) of those areas in your home that most of the time goes unnoticed, even though you use it frequently? Do you ever think, every now and then, “I ought to do something about that”…and then, don’t? I must confess to having too many of those areas, but one such disaster zone got a makeover this week…yep, Spring makes me want to fix things up…. Continue Reading