Are you prepared for emergencies? While a natural disaster, pandemic, or financial crash may seem unlikely most days, being prepared is wise. Planning now for an emergency helps you stay on plan with THM as much as possible. Here are the best THM friendly foods for emergencies to have on hand in case disaster strikes. Plus, download a free checklist and get your THM Emergency Pantry stocked! For many of… Continue Reading
Entitlement Mentality: From a Nation of Entrepreneurs and Hard Workers to a Nation of Whiners
We have a free, local paper here that has a column called “Speak Out.” It has long been a source of amusement for me, to read the complaints (such as “we live in the United States of America but I don’t understand why we have so many Canada Geese”), bizarre questions and various soapbox diatribes that people call in to have included in the column. Today, however, I just about… Continue Reading