A very dear friend of mine recently introduced me to “perpetual broth (or stock or soup…).” I was intrigued by the idea, but wasn’t sure if I would use enough broth to make it worthwhile. Turns out, it’s a magnificent kitchen tool to have on hand. Yes, I said tool. 5. anything used as a means of accomplishing a task or purpose (dictionary.com) In the case of the modern housewife… Continue Reading
I LOVE MY BIG BERKEY! Look at What We DON’T Drink Anymore!
photo from morethanalive.com I love, love, love my Big Berkey! I’m not getting paid one cent to rave about it, either…I just love it that much! Today, I cleaned the black filtering elements in my Big Berkey, and I thought I’d show you what we’re NOT drinking anymore. It’s completely disgusting, seriously. I don’t know what it is…and honestly, I’m not sure I WANT to know. But I’m very happy… Continue Reading