…or at least on a budget like mine! I’ve been learning a lot about “real” food, food that is nutrient dense and as close to its natural state as possible and not full of chemical preservatives, colorings, and flavorings. And thanks to A Peasant’s Feast eCourse through The Nourishing Gourmet, I’m also learning how to do it on a budget. Basically, what it boils down to is making the best… Continue Reading
Examining 1 Corinthians 11
Head Covering and the Christian Woman of Today Many arguments exist for and against head covering. Some say God put it in His Word so we must follow it. Others say it is culturally relevant. Some say that the “head” in these verses is figurative and refers to authority. While I do not believe that whether a woman covers her head or not determines where she will spend eternity, I… Continue Reading
Suppertime, You Used to be My Friend…
Recently, I realized that I am beginning to dread the hour or so immediately before suppertime at my house these days. Probably mostly due to the lack of planning on my part…but also because that time of the day has become vapid…I’m bored with food. I don’t even really want to try new foods. I don’t want to bother with eating. My family…well, they expect to be fed and fed… Continue Reading
Friday Night is Pizza Night!
This household is a big, big fan of pizza. We eat pizza every week, typically on Fridays. That started when I was doing grocery shopping on Fridays and getting home late in the evening and I did not feel like looking at any more food, much less preparing it…so I’d grab some frozen pizzas for a quick meal. Since I’m trying to accomplish two challenging tasks…preparing and serving healthy (or… Continue Reading
Speaking to Our Obstacles
This may sound crazy to some of you, but I speak to my obstacles. Actually, everyone speaks to their obstacles…it’s how you do it that determines what becomes of them. Have you ever said any of the following? I’m never going to get out of debt! I always get sick in the (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter) We’re going to be short on the rent this month. I can’t make my… Continue Reading
Budget Challenge! Eating Cheap in the Month of June
The Monthly Budget Committee Meeting has ended only moments before I sat down to type this entry. This was the first BCM we’ve had in several months and a review of our spending habits has shown a dire need for belt-tightening and penny-pinching (even more than our usual!). I’m a tightwad, but will happily spend money if given the chance…seems like a contradiction, but I love spending money! And I… Continue Reading