Do you ever just throw something together really quickly and it turns out amazingly yummy? I love it when that happens! Look what I did with a few simple ingredients today to satisfy my sweet tooth… I’m really trying to cut sugar out of my diet. But, it’s really, really hard. Today, I had a really bad craving for something sweet and fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look… Continue Reading
Low GI Cooking Adventure: Grassfed Beef and Italian Vegetable Skillet with Buttery Herbed Brown Rice
Ever get some news that just throws a big old wrench in your works? Chaps your khakis? And generally just makes your life a big pain in the derriere? Yeah, 2011’s just turning out to be that kind of year so far… HELLO, I’VE GOT BAD NEWS FOR YOU I got the wonderful news this week that my blood sugar is out of whack. Super. Just what… Continue Reading
Menu? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Menu…
Well, at least that’s what it seems like these last few weeks. I have gotten very lazy about menu planning. In fact, it’s Wednesday night and I should have a menu planned and coupons organized by now. And, well, I don’t! The pantry and fridge are getting pretty bare, so it was a Throw-Something-In-A-Pan-And-Pray kind of night. It actually turned out very tasty! Seems like some of my best meals… Continue Reading
Suppertime, You Used to be My Friend…
Recently, I realized that I am beginning to dread the hour or so immediately before suppertime at my house these days. Probably mostly due to the lack of planning on my part…but also because that time of the day has become vapid…I’m bored with food. I don’t even really want to try new foods. I don’t want to bother with eating. My family…well, they expect to be fed and fed… Continue Reading